UW Research

New to UW Research

Welcome to the 爱豆社区!聽

W logo sign with Drumheller fountain in background

A warm welcome to our new faculty at the 爱豆社区. You are among a distinguished group of research leaders in one of the top research institutions in the world. The UW receives more federal research dollars than any other U.S. public university and is home to eight Nobel Prize winners; 19 MacArthur Fellows; numerous members of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; and fellows in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and many other major awards. You are joining a university with a culture of collaboration and interdisciplinary research with opportunities for Global Engagement, external collaborations including industry, and internal collaborations with faculty from 184 departments and three UW campuses: Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell.

The Office of Research aims to create an outstanding climate of support for UW researchers to enable innovation and impact. On this site, you will find support resources to orient you to research at the UW, whether you are new to research, new to the UW, or both.

Getting Started in Research at the UW

Z Yan Wang (she/her) microscope
Research at the UW happens everywhere, from classrooms to far-flung remote sites, through mentored research experiences for undergraduates and graduate students, to multi-institutional, interdisciplinary extramural funded research. Research at the UW can be funded or unfunded, and there are resources to accelerate every kind of research. Here is a guide for getting your research started at the UW.

For All Researchers/Investigators

Identify Department Support Resources

Your department and school/college will be supporting you in multiple ways; both through mentoring and providing administrative support. Schedule time with your mentor, department chair, and/or dean to discuss your research goals, agenda, and potential funding sources. These questions can help you get started. If you are transferring a research portfolio to the UW, refer to the Transferring Your Research webpage for the most applicable information.

Questions to ask your departmental administrative leadership:

  • What college/school resources exist to support my research?
  • What is the process for purchasing, travel, budget management?
  • What support is available from central units (Office of Research units) vs. the department?
  • How do I create my faculty and research webpages?
  • Who can help me set up/install equipment in my lab?

Questions to ask your mentor:

  • Who should I get to know for collaboration?
  • What funding sources for research might exist in my area of interest?

Questions to ask advising staff:

  • How can I hire students?
  • What guidance/rules/procedures are there for working with students?

Learn About UW Central Resources

Corporate and Foundation Relations (Private Funding Resources)

Clinical Trials

  • ClinicalTrials: Human Subjects Division guidance on clinical trials
  • Zipline: The UW’s IRB submission system is your portal for viewing and managing all of your IRB applications

Innovations, Startups, and Licensing

  • : partners with the UW community on innovation, providing tools and resources to transform ideas into economic and societal impact.

Research training–Scholarly and Sponsored

Shared Research Infrastructure

Sponsored Research Resources

Office of Research (OR)

Translational Research

UW Libraries

  • : guide includes information on , , , and
  • : suggestions for establishing your research identity, expanding your reach, and monitoring & describing your research impact
  • Publication strategies: guidance on and , including author鈥檚 rights and publishing agreements

Onboarding Guide for Sponsored Research

Factors that can improve the competitiveness of a proposal include:

  1. Planning time for a thorough review by departments and central units.
  2. Taking advantage of guidance.

Review this material in preparation for meetings with your department and then start preparing your proposal.

First Steps

  1. Confirm with your department your PI eligibility.
  2. Develop your required training plan and track progress using . Your department administrator can assist you with planning and tracking.
  3. Identify potential funding sources.
    • Meet your mentors and colleagues to discuss the best agency or foundation matches for your research interests.
    • Look for funding opportunities for external and internal funding on the Office of Research Funding Opportunities.
  4. Meet with your mentor, chair, and/or dean for guidance on what can make your proposal competitive.
  5. Learn about ORCID iDs and their benefits. The 爱豆社区 strongly encourages researchers to register for their unique iD and some sponsors require it.

Plan Your First Proposal

  1. Review the Step by Step Proposal Submission Quick Guide to get a general understanding of the submission process.
  2. If appropriate, meet with your departmental staff to build a plan for proposal development and submission.
  3. Verify with your departmental leadership that you can fulfill the project requirements within the constraints of your department/school.
    • For instance, equipment, graduate students, wet bench space, or items such as cost share and travel not paid for by the sponsor.
    • Work with your department to provide documentation of support in these areas of the proposal.
  4. Budget

Additional Considerations at Proposal Time

  1. Does your research involve animals, human subjects or Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) considerations? Review Additional Considerations for questions you should consider in these types of research. You will want to meet with the Office of Animal Welfare, Human Subjects Division, EH&S as appropriate.
  2. Are you collaborating with other institutions?
  3. Are you collaborating with other countries? Review Foreign Interests in Sponsored Programs and Foreign Influence Through the Research Lifecycle.
  4. Will you be doing classified or restricted research? Review Classified or Restricted Research.
  5. Do you need to include a Data Management Plan? Review NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Requirements and Resources, and the UW Libraries .
  6. Where are you going to publish? Build publishing fees into your budget as needed. Review .
  7. Do not submit a proposal without getting department, school, and OSP approval through the UW鈥檚 SAGE system according to the UW鈥檚 deadline policy.

Award Acceptance

Pre-award Sponsor Requests

Reach out to the UW’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) when you receive pre-award sponsor requests for additional materials and information. Review guidance on responding to pre-award requests from sponsors for details.

Advance Spend

If approved for pre-award spending, use the SAGE Advance Request tool to request an Advance Award.

Award Acceptance and Setup

Preparing for Award Management

Consult with departmental staff to confirm administrative & compliance procedures are in place for:


  • Confirm financials in and — view all Award Lines and associated worktags.
  • Set up appropriate delegations for on budgets/worktags.
  • Set up purchasing and documentation processes that follow department and school/college to avoid negative downstream audit impacts.
  • Review and understand your responsibility to ensure all award expenditures comply with these principles. See Financials/Spending for more information.

Records management

  • Set up records management plan and retention schedule.
  • UW’s offers specific guidance for .

Data privacy and security

Invoicing and reporting schedules

Hiring and Training Personnel

  • Start early to fill any positions that result from an award. Hiring processes are often tough to navigate and take time.
  • All federally funded projects require . Familiarize yourself and your team with the UW’s system for meeting this compliance requirement.
  • Remember, you and your team should complete all required training.

More guidance and resources on the Manage and Closeout stages of the research project lifecycle.