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Practice using SAGE

Featured News

January 27, 2025 Release Notes

Goal: Improve Flow of Work for OSP & GCA

  • Request Amount Added to Modification Request: To clarify the amount of the requested funding change, a new Request Amount field has been added to the Modification Request (MOD) form. The Request Amount can be a positive or negative number. The Modified Sponsor Total for All Spending Periods field remains unchanged.

Screenshot showing Request Amount field with a value of $1000 and the Modified Sponsor Total with $100000

  • Subcategory Selection Added to Modification Request: To provide OSP and GCA with more specific details on the type of modification being requested, Modification Requests (MODs) will now include new subcategory selections, replacing the high-level legacy categories: Funding & budgeting changes, Schedule changes, Programmatic changes, Other changes, and End of award changes. This additional detail will expedite the flow of work, reduce returns, and provide key data for reporting and analytics.Both OSP & GCA MODs and GCA-Only MODs will display new subcategories under the headers Funding Changes, Schedule Changes, and Other Changes. Select the category header tab to view the subcategories under each heading. More than one subcategory can be selected. Selected subcategories also appear under the Modification Subcategory Summary header.

Screenshot showing an example Modification Overview section

Legacy & New Subcategory Selection Guidance

  • For MODs created after this release, the campus MOD preparer will be required to select at least one subcategory before routing the MOD.
    Screenshot showing message that reminds users to select at least one subcategory.
  • For MODs in OSP or GCA status at time of release, OSP and GCA will attempt to select appropriate subcategories for a given MOD to replace legacy categories prior to routing the MOD. However, the MOD may be returned to campus if OSP and GCA are unable to discern the correct subcategory. When a new subcategory is selected, the legacy category will no longer display.
  • For MODs that have already been processed, the legacy category will display in read-only mode
    .Screenshot showing an example Modification with a legacy category of "Schedule Change."

For detailed guidance on which subcategory to select, the following resources will be updated:

Additional guidance will be emailed to campus SAGE users following the release.

Goal: Address High-Priority Maintenance Needs

  • Fix: eGC1 Reviewer Navigation to Contacts and Attachments: eGC1 reviewers can now navigate through the eGC1 as expected and view all related attachments.
  • Fix: Global Edit and SAGE Read-only Role Access to eGC1s through Approvals: SAGE users with the Global Edit or SAGE Read-only ASTRA roles are now able to access eGC1s from the Approvals tab.

January 2025 Featured Training: SAGE Class Schedule

If you’re new to using SAGE or would like a refresher on best practices, join our live SAGE classes.

  • – January 14
  • – January 21
  • – February 4, March 4
  • – February 11, March 11

For comprehensive lists of training resources, review SAGE Budget Resources and SAGE Awards & Modifications Resources.

Note: To register for a class, click the Get this course button on the linked course page. Then, register for your preferred Zoom webinar date, also linked on the course page.

Back to SAGE homepage.

December 19, 2024 Release Notes

Goal: Address High Priority Maintenance Needs

  • Grant Runner: NIH Error-Checking and PDF Generation Restored: The NIH error-checking and PDF generation for sponsor forms have been restored to SAGE Grant Runner. These features allow preparers to catch critical errors before submission, reducing risk of missed deadlines.
  • Grant Runner: Forms-I Now Available: FORMS-I opportunities are now available in SAGE Grant Runner for applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2025. Review Grant Runner Support NIH Activity Codes for a list of application types supported by SAGE Grant Runner.

Goal: Add Clarity and Reduce Returns for Campus

  • Improve Awards Search by Application: The SAGE Awards Search by Application (eGC1) now shows matches for both:
      • The award application (the initial and primary eGC1 listed on the Workday award)
      • The request application (selected on the specific Award Setup Request or Modification Request)
    • Users will now see a longer list of results returned, beginning with the most recent request. If more than 10 items exist, selecting the “Show More” link at the bottom of the list will load additional results. The following screenshot shows an example.

Screenshot showing the search results for an application. Scrolling to the bottom displays a "Show More" clickable link.

Updated SAGE User Guide Pages

The following SAGE user guides have been revised to better guide campus users through required information to include in ASRs and Modification Requests (MODs) or request SAGE support: